Children's Book

My Inspiration
My inspiration for Taste Buddies came from my kids’ willingness to try new foods and their enjoyment of helping in the kitchen. I, myself, have always been a bit of a wellness enthusiast, but I became increasingly focused on nutrition when it came time to feed my now 4-year-old twins. Everything from learning to read and understand ingredient labels to dedicating time to home-cooked meals propelled me to take this intentional action for my family’s health. Isla, Declan, and Charlie certainly don’t like everything I put in front of them, but they are still pretty adventurous and receptive when something unfamiliar is on the menu.
Feeding kids can be stressful for parents, especially if you have a picky eater. I’m sure you’re aware that there are 47 ways to peel and serve a banana to a toddler and you almost always do it wrong. Am I right?! Similarly, trying something new can cause a range of emotions for your little one - nervousness, reluctance, or excitement. Taste Buddies offers a fun and relaxed mindset that I hope will alleviate the stress that comes with trying something new for young kids. There is nothing sillier than sticking out your tongue and seeing taste buds come to life to spark and invite these low-pressure conversations between a parent and child. I hope Charley and her taste buddies will continue to encourage even the most reluctant kids to try something new and healthy, and send the pickiness packing!

Author Visits & Upcoming Events
Thanks for having me
Buford Business Alliance – Spring Festival
Decatur Children's Book Festival
Mom's Morning Out @ Alignlife Sugar Hill
Piggy Jo's Halcyon - Children's Store
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